Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions

The following terms and conditions are those of SARL Goholidayfrance (subsequently abbreviated to GHF). They apply to all guests that make either an individual or group booking of any accommodation and use of facilities provided, at Chateau Du Puits Es Pratx. They also apply to those responsible for booking exclusive group events such as Weddings, Celebrations or Corporate events, and any booking of the restaurant L’Es Pratx.

The terms & conditions apply to hotel guests without the need of a signed form of agreement. However, a signed ‘contract’ will be required from the guest responsible for all ‘group’ bookings, such as Weddings, Celebrations or Corporate events, and will be an agreement to the Terms & Conditions on behalf of everyone in their group staying at the venue. 

The terms and Conditions that apply to all Wedding and large Group Bookings are as follows:-

1. Payment terms: Upon receipt of a deposit payment the dates of the booking will be reserved and secured in the name of the Bride & Groom or group organiser. The deposit is a fixed amount of €3,000 and is deducted from the on-site accommodation charge agreed where the balance will be due 15 weeks prior to the dates reserved.

2. Reservations: A reservation is only secure when GHF receives the deposit, and the reservation will be confirmed by email from GHF with a customer’s cost sheet that will be their receipt.

3. Stage payments for wedding bookings: In order to run the venue efficiently we request that all three balance payments (Stage 1, 2 & 3) are received by the due dates as shown on every customer’s cost sheet. It is important that each Client contacts GHF two weeks before each balance payment is due, (as detailed on their cost sheet), to finalise the exact amount. If any delays in confirming stage payment amounts are caused by GHF, this is their responsibility.

However, once the amount due is agreed, if the money is not received from the customer within 2 weeks and further attempts to contact the couple or group organiser are unsuccessful, GHF have the right to charge interest on any amount due. 

In the unlikely situation where no due payments are received and if GHF is unable to get a response from the couple or group organiser by 4 weeks after a payment is due, it will be considered that the booking is no longer required and the event may be cancelled. 

4. Cancelled or Postponed Wedding Bookings and Deposit refunds: When GHF accepts a booking, those dates are closed to all other potential bookings for the same dates. Every year, the total turnover of bookings accepted for that year are assessed prior to undertaking improvements to the properties within the Domaine, the booking of suppliers for building & garden projects, and the booking of seasonal staff by GHF whose contracts are legally binding. These are always undertaken well in advance of the usual wedding season (May-November) and therefore any cancellation, or postponement of a booking can have serious consequences once projects are underway, or have been completed, or staff contracts have been signed. For this reason GHF has to apply the following conditions to be agreed before booking.

Postponement of bookings:                                                                                           

• If a customer chooses to postpone their booking for purely personal reasons and no less than 9 months in advance of the original booking, the deposit can be carried over to an agreed date without incurring an additional charge. 

• If a customer postpones a booking within 9 months of the original booking, GHF may require a new group booking to fill the dates of the original reservation, before agreeing to carry over the deposit to a new date.                                                     

• If a customer postpones a booking to the following year within 9 months of the original date booked the payment of Stage 1 & 2 of the wedding costs will be required by 30th September in the year of the original booking. The dates of any postponed booking are to be agreed with GHF and are subject to availability and if the postponed booking is for the following year, some prices/fees may be greater than those agreed within the original booking.

• Where a postponement is necessary due to chronic illness or death within the immediate Family of the customers booking, GHF will take a view based the individual situation and apply goodwill wherever possible. 

Cancellation of bookings: If at any stage a customer chooses to cancel rather than postpone their booking, a refund of any payments made up to that point, including the deposit and any stage payments received, will only be made if a like for like booking of all the on-site accommodation, including the full wedding service provided by GHF, is procured for the same date as the cancelled booking. For this reason and in goodwill, GHF urges customers if their original dates are untenable, to postpone their event rather than cancel. However, if a customer chooses to cancel, all effort will be made by GHF to find a new booking for the same dates but GHF is not responsible if a new booking is not achieved. If a new booking is achieved and a deposit has been received, a reimbursement of all payments made by the customer of the original booking will be made by GHF, less €250 towards administration costs and re-advertising. 

Out of GHF control are any deposits or payments made to outside suppliers in connection with the original booking that may not be refundable depending on the date of the cancellation.

If any booking is cancelled by GHF themselves due to unforeseen circumstances beyond their control (eg, fire, illness, death), in this unlikely event their liability is limited to the amount of money that GHF has received by the client. 

It is strongly recommended that all clients take out appropriate insurance cover against the possibility of cancellation for whatever reason.

Cancelled ‘individual’ family or couples holiday Bookings: In the event of an individual holiday booking being cancelled by a Client at any time up to 3 months before arrival to the accommodation, a refund of the deposit will be made less an administration charge of €50. If a booking is cancelled within 3 months of the due date of the booking a refund will only be made if another and similar booking can be made in replacement of it. It is strongly recommended that all clients take out appropriate insurance cover against the possibility of cancellation for whatever reason.

5. Prices: All prices are agreed in good faith with each Client on receipt of the deposit and GHF will endeavour to honour all prices as quoted. However, if the date of the event is more than 9 months from the deposit date, in the case of food, alcohol and some costs within the outside services section, there may be small increases for which GHF has no control, eg, sharp rises in food prices, TVA rate changes or fees for musicians, celebrants that may be updated. When a wedding is booked more than 18 months before the event, there may be a small increase in the cost of the on-site accommodation quoted if there has been an increase in the cost of staffing, laundry or TVA. 

GHF reserve the right to change prices if it is unavoidable but not before discussion and agreement with the Client. GHF will endeavour to absorb any small rises in prices and will always notify their Clients if there are any increased costs that cannot be absorbed. 

6. The Damage Deposit: A deposit is levied on all wedding invoices to cover the cost of the repair or replacement of any damage to any aspect of the property belonging to GHF and any of the contents therein. This is irrespective of however caused, accidental or wilful and will apply to any damage caused between the arrival of the first guest of any group and the departure of the last guest of any group. GHF will endeavour to return the deposit in full or the balance thereof within 7 days of the departure of the last person/s of any group, subject to any claims being necessary. In the event of a claim, GHF will endeavour to discuss the details with the guest that made the booking and amicably agree any costs before their departure. 

A claim will only be made to cover the cost of repair of a damaged item or it’s replacement if a repair is not viable, plus any staff-time applicable. Those costs once agreed, will be deducted from the deposit, prior to the reimbursement of the balance. Should a claim be necessary for damages in excess of the agreed deposit amount, payment will be due and payable by the Client within 7 days of receiving the invoice for that claim. GHF recommend to all Bridal Couples to consider including cover for damages (however low-risk) within their insurance.

7. Legal Claims: GHF cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage of personal items or be held responsible or accept liability for death, injury or illness caused to any guest within the confines of the Domaine unless the situation arises from the proven negligence of GHF. Any claims shall be subject to French law in respect of any question of liability or quantum, and all proceedings will be within the exclusive domain of the court in this circumstance only and at the location designated by GHF Lawyer’s. GHF is not responsible for personal accidents, death or injury outside the confines of the Domaine, and include any trips or excursions are entered into at the Client’s own risk. GHF advise Clients to have suitable insurance cover.

8. Alcohol: As with most hotel/restaurant/cruise establishments, GHF does not permit the consumption of any alcohol that guests may have purchased from outside the perimeter of the chateau grounds. In order to fund the staffing of our bar and support the services we provide, all drinks must be purchased directly from the Chateau. If empty bottles, cans or cartons are found anywhere onsite during or at the end of a group booking that are not a drink product that GHF provides, a relevant corkage charge may be made to cover lost income and waste disposal. 

If guests wish to consume a particular drink that GHF cannot obtain, this clause will be waived only if a specific agreement has been made in advance and the relevant corkage charge paid.

9. Complaints: If there is a genuine complaint about any member of staff whilst acting in the course of their employment GHF will do it’s utmost to rectify the problem. If there is a justifiable complaint, or any perceived failure in the anticipated service provided by GHF, the client must communicate this within the period of their stay in order that a satisfactory solution can be found at time of their experience. GHF will not be able to help if complaints are received after the holiday or event is finished.

10. Travel: GHF is not responsible for travel delays of any description including cancellations due to strikes or any Government actions. Clients are responsible for making and booking their own travel arrangements to and from the venue and the costs incurred however, GHF can arrange coach transfers or taxis to and from airports provided GHF is informed well in advance of dates. GHF will include the cost of any transfers booked on behalf of the Client and will be agreed and paid for in advance.

11. Dietary needs: Special dietary need, medical warnings or other requests must be specified at the point of booking. GHF will do their best to meet these requirements in full but accept no liability if such requests cannot be met.

12. Smoking: Compliant with French Law, no smoking is permitted inside any of the buildings on the Domaine. If there is evidence of smoking in any of the rooms, a charge will be made to cover the cost of a deep clean to remove odours from curtains, carpets and bed covers. All smokers are requested to only use the ashtrays provided in the courtyard where smoking is permitted all year and disposal of butts in flower beds, plant pots or the lawns is not acceptable. During the summer months when there can be a high risk of fire in this region, no smoking at all is permitted in the vineyard or gardens. 

13. The Swimming Pool

1. In the interest of safety please ensure that all children near the pool are 

accompanied by at least one adult that can swim.  

2. We are required by law to have a pool cover for safety reasons but this also helps to keep the water warm & clean. If it is warm and sunny and you would like the cover opened, please do not try to open the cover without a member of staff to help as this can cause misalignment & damage.   

3. If there is a wind or the weather is wet, the pool cover may need to stay in place but guests can still enjoy using the pool by using the sliding door by the steps at the far left-hand corner.   

4. No glass bottles, cans or drinking glasses are permitted anywhere near the pool. Drinks can be enjoyed using plastic cups that are provided at the bar.  

5. Coloured towels are provided free of charge at the entrance to the side garden. Use of white room towels at the pool is not permitted as they get stained by sun lotions. 

6. Cushions for the sunbeds can be found in the table tennis area but please return them after you have finished with them.   

7. After being at the pool, please don’t forget to remove all your rubbish, plastic water bottles, books and sun-cream etc.

8. Use of the pool is between 10am and 8pm and swimming is not permitted outside these times. GHF will not be liable for any accidents that occur in our around the pool outside these times.

We thank you for taking the time to read this and if there are queries in relation to any aspect of the above Terms & Conditions or any points that require clarification, please inform GHF by email.

Go Holiday France, 2022 Siret Number 477 872501